Dr. Jing Yuan

Dr. YUAN has practiced acupuncture for 20 years in various countries. She got her first diploma in advanced acupuncture training in 2001 in China. Working in a hospital as a Medical Doctor in China, she noticed the effectiveness of acupuncture and developed a keen interest in it. She pursued further education and completed a MSc in Biomedical Research with King’s College, University of London, UK, and a Ph.D. in clinical research in “Acupuncture for pain” with the University of Ulster, UK in 2008. She then became a physiotherapist in 2012 and worked in a hospital in Hong Kong for about 5 years, providing rehabilitation services during which she continued to provide acupuncture treatment to the patients.

In 2017 she relocated to Vancouver and completed a Doctorate in TCM with Tzu Chi International College of TCM in 2020. Currently, she is a part-time instructor at the College.

English, Mandarin, Cantonese

TCM Acupuncture
TCM Cupping
TCM Ear seeds acupressure
TCM Bloodletting
TCM Herbs

卑詩省注冊高级中醫師 (針灸 & 中藥) - 20年臨床經驗

早年於中國任職康復醫生,期間開始修習并實踐中醫。之后獲倫敦大學 King's college 生物醫學碩士,以及於英國 Ulster University 獲獎學金攻讀針灸治療痛症的博士,并繼續針灸方面的博士后研究。
2017年移居溫哥華,成为卑詩省注冊高级中医师 。